3 Things I’m Letting Go

Autumn is a time of change, as nature constantly adapts and the seasons pass through transformation. As humans we often feeling like we’re spinning too many plates and are uncertain what to change for the better. So let me ask you this, what can you let go of to allow ease in times of change? Letting go gives you space for the things you really want. It allows the doors to open to new opportunities. Releasing something we’ve held onto might not be easy, or feel natural – especially beliefs that no longer serve us. But holding on tightly to…

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How to Build Confidence

Do you ‘have’ confidence, or not? It is possible to be so clear cut? In my mind, having confidence, or being confident, can depend on the context or situation, who you’re surrounded by, how much trust you have in yourself, and whether or not your mind monkeys are chucking a whole load of fear your way. There is no doubt that when you lack confidence life can be debilitating. It can stop you from doing things, prevent you going out, keep you cocooned in your safe environment and stop you visiting new places. But if you’re willing to have some…

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How To Cure Procrastination

We all fall victim to this time stealer, we’re human and that means we’re infallible. So what is procrastination? What is the impact? And can knowing your motivation type help you overcome it? You’ll find some strategies below to defeat it, and my top tips to prevent your life slipping away. PROCRASTINATION / proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuhn / “the art of delaying doing something regardless of the negative consequences” What is Procrastination? In it’s simplest form, procrastination is delaying doing something. It might be something we find boring, challenging, unpleasant or we feel it’s wasting our time. So we put it off. The…

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80 Days

What would you like to achieve in the next 80 days? As I write there are exactly 80 days left in 2022. A bit of a random number, but in terms of setting goals, working out the steps to take and achieving, it’s a decent amount of time. Let’s take a look at what you could do with small actions each day in the next 80 days: 6 minutes meditation x 80 days = 480 minutes or 8hrs meditation 12 minutes visualising your dream job = 16hrs of visualisation 1 mile walking x 80 days = 80 miles walked 500…

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Boundaries are an invisible line which we put in place to protect us in some way. Without boundaries we can be manipulated, coerced, experience time-suck, be unfocused and ultimately be living a life that isn’t genuine. Boundaries are something that separates, be that physical space, time, your needs or your feelings. It’s often most apparent what our boundaries are when we feel uncomfortable, angry, upset or frustrated – i.e. when the line is crossed. Having boundaries are a form of self-care. They allow you to focus on the important things, and to live an authentic life. Being clear on your…

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I like this time of year. Autumn brings so much change in nature.  It’s like we’re being nudged to remember there are things we can let go of, and that change can be a good thing in the long run, despite feeling hard in the moment. As I was running recently something sparked a thought about change. And how changing your mind about something isn’t a bad thing. The thought came as I spotted a conifer bush which had suddenly erupted bold red streaks of a virginia creeper, it’s summer green leaves normally blended in so well. I’ve said for…

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Double Celebration – Decisions and Freedom

Lynne Taylor Life Coaching Mindset Coaching

Today, 30th August, is a magical day. It marks my 49th birthday. Happy Birthday me!! I’m being taken out for lunch today, but I also have another milestone I’m celebrating which I wanted to share with you. And that is, I’ve been alcohol free for 500 days. Back in April 2021 I stopped drinking alcohol. I had no expectation of how long I’d stop for, it was great to just get on with not drinking for a while. I also had no awareness the 500th day of not drinking alcohol would coincide with my birthday! Slowly the days turned into…

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How Does Life Coaching Work?

Lynne Taylor Life Coaching Mindset Coaching

Here’s a quick overview of the practical steps involved in the coaching process, so that you have an understanding what happens when you engage in coaching with me. You’re probably here because you are curious about the practical steps to take as you start your journey into being coached by me. You’ve most likely had a good look around my website, perhaps connected with me on LinkedIn or Instagram and you might feel like you’ve got to know me a little. You’re still curious, perhaps you have some specific questions or want to speak to me and learn for yourself…

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What can Coaching help me with?

Coaching is for anyone who wishes to work through a particular issue, has a problem to solve, or perhaps just has a feeling that something isn’t right in your life. There are no barriers to who coaching is suitable for. Examples where coaching can help: Your decisions could be big or small, such as:

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What is Coaching?

Coaching is a conversation where you are learning about yourself, where you are being helped to explore and develop, and where you are stepping up courageously to take bold action, safe in the knowledge that I’ll be there to look after you. Being coached can lead to magical and positive transformations in how you think about your life, how you behave around other people and what you believe to be true. Coaching is time and space just for you. Coaching is goal and outcome orientated (but it’s ok not to have a big audacious goal to bring) Coaching helps you…

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