An Epic Adventure – 15 Trigs

If you’ve read previous posts, you’ll know I’m doing 50 Things before I’m 50….this is one of them. This is my account of my epic adventure completing the 15 Trigs. It was an adventure requiring me to dig deep into my physical and mental strength. Reflecting the shear scale of this adventure, this post is an epic…so grab a brew and read on. The short story if you’re only a tiny bit curious is that I did a long walk, visited 15 trig points in the Peak District, and it took a long time. I was supported by my partner,…

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Coaching Case Study – Jo’s Transformative Journey

Here’s a coaching case study showcasing Jo’s remarkable journey to finding her untapped potential. Reflecting after our sessions proved invaluable to her, highlighting the benefits of coaching. “The biggest impact I have felt from investing in the coaching is the programme has brought out the best in me, given me perspective, freed me from my self doubt so that I can carve out my own path, in my own time.“ This feedback demonstrates the transformative impact of coaching and provides insight into the process and outcomes. I’m grateful for Jo’s feedback, it has been a privilege to work with her…

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Conquering your Saboteurs

How we sabotage ourselves and our life Sabotaging can be subtle and hard to recognise, and therefore challenging to stop. Sabotaging is a way we damage ourselves, or cause disruption in the life we want to lead. Often it’s so embedded in our way of being (likely present since childhood as a form of self-protection) that we don’t even know we’re doing it. We might have an insight into a behaviour that doesn’t serve us, but then have no follow through to make a change for the better. Positive habits aren’t practiced regularly therefore don’t get built into our natural…

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Believe in Yourself

I’ve written about Trust before, but this is a big issue and also a central value for me, so I come back to this topic often.  I also want to provide an update on how I’ve been Boosting my Confidence recently, because that’s linked in with my self-trust. I hope by sharing my experiences I give you some self-assurance to face your own challenges, that you’re inspired to believe you are stronger than you think. Each time I achieve something – that makes me anxious or something that feels too hard – I feel a bit giddy. It’s a deep…

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Find your Magic NOW: Let Go of the Past

When I have coaching conversations with others and their words are constantly on the past, it’s a sign that they aren’t living in the NOW. When you think about it, what control do you have over the past? There is none. Harsh as that sounds. We cannot change what has been. Only what you think about it. We can choose to learn from the past and change how we act or think for the present. The lessons of the past can guide us towards a better, brighter and more positive future. Focusing only on the past actually means you don’t…

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The Allure and Pitfalls of Our Desire for Immediate Results

There’s a misconception that coaching always has to be a long term investment, but coaching can provide really quick results in a short amount of time, even a short chat, or an hours Focus session. Maybe a boost in motivation and confidence as you prepare for one specific event (eg giving a talk to a few thousand people), or a positive cognitive shift as you realise a long-held belief is no longer true. Then there’s the long term magic of coaching – the benefits that just keep on coming week after week, month after month and beyond. Some of the…

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The Value of Investing in Your Mind and Thoughts

The saying  ‘buy cheap, pay twice‘ is often spoken in our house when we’re considering options for something new. In fact, this was taught to me as I was growing up. A couple of things that come to mind are owning a car that’s reliable so won’t be the cheapest, and buying clothes that will last – M&S jumper anyone? Over the years it’s become apparent to me is that there is less value attributed to investing in your mind. People pay a good deal of money to have their hair cut, coloured and styled, or nails manicured and painted,…

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Embracing the Wisdom of Nature

I first read Think Like a Tree ( The natural principles guide to life ) by Sarah Spencer last year. Since then I’ve dipped into it several times as phrases or thoughts have come to mind, particularly when I’m having a coaching conversation in the outdoors. To read all about the benefits of Outdoor Coaching read this article. The book really resonated with me and my values to live my life respecting my environment and being my authentic self, as well as leaning into courage and curiosity for myself and those around me. The main points that have stayed with…

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Navigating Change and Finding Clarity in Midlife

Embracing Change The first step to navigating change in midlife is to embrace it. It’s normal to feel anxious or uncertain about the future, but instead of resisting the changes, try to approach them with an open mind and a positive attitude. Embracing change can help you feel more in control and confident about your ability to adapt to new circumstances.  Finding Clarity and Purpose One of the benefits of navigating change is the opportunity it presents for finding clarity and purpose in your life. Midlife is a time when many people reassess their priorities and goals, and it’s a…

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Time Expansion and Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s Law is the principle that a task or project will expand to fill the time allotted for its completion. Give a task a week, it will take a week. Only have an hour…you can get it done (to a good enough standard) in an hour. Realising 4 months had already passed (I started the challenge after my 49th birthday on 30 August 2022) and I’d only accomplished 12 things, I gave myself a reality check. Then I planned out roughly when I might do each of the remaining things in the 8 months to my 50th birthday. Seeing how much time had…

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50 Things Before I’m 50 Challenge: Update

Here’s an update the challenges I’ve done since my last post: Completed 13-20 A very relaxing evening with my friend at the Titanic Spa near Huddersfield. I’ve never been to a spa before, though I have been in saunas and jacuzzi’s. It was a great evening, in superb company – we could have talked the night away! The only odd feeling I got is that you wander around in the robes…including having a drink and nibbles in the hotel reception…sitting there as though you’ve just got out of a shower as hotel guests are sitting only feet away eating their…

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Moving beyond Imposter Syndrome

How does Imposter Syndrome show up: Which of these 👆 show up for you? Here’s my 3 top tips to move beyond Imposter Syndrome: 1. Share your feelings You build up stories that just aren’t true, and through sharing your thoughts you can start to recognise this for yourself. Find someone who will truly listen – with the aim of being there for you. This is different to someone hearing you and listening while they’re thinking about how to respond. When you are fully heard it gives you the chance to feel valued and supported. This is the environment necessary…

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