A Solo Adventure

The Preparation A month away in Scotland from mid April gave me the chance to do a few longer road rides, and some off-road pedalling. When we returned I had 3 weeks to get ready for my solo tour. In those weeks I did some local shorter rides off-road as this is my weakest skill. I did a 65km canal path ride a few weeks out and 10 days prior I did a fully loaded test on my own, with the sole aim of breaking 100km. Most of that ride was on the canal from Marple to Congleton so it…

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Lynne’s 24 in 24

Lynne’s 24 in 24 The completion of my 50 Things Before I turned 50 was incredibly motivating last year. It drove me into action, and is why I’ve chosen to do ’24 in 24′ this year. I want to keep up that momentum and continue to grow through doing more things.  You can read about my Year of 50 Unique Challenges and 5 Key Lessons here The simple act of writing down my activities and adventures has already sparked action for me. And this is exactly why I knew this challenge would 100% work because intentions spark actions…and that leads to adventures and growth….

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The Fastest Way To Delete A Habit

Tips for deleting habits: TIP #1: IDENTIFY THE HABIT You have to understand your motivation behind wishing to stop doing something, so really put some deep thought into this. Grab your journal and get those thoughts out on paper so it’s visual. Here’s a few questions to help you identify your habit in more detail: As BJ Fogg says in Tiny Habits “Prompts are the invisible drivers of our lives.“. So we need to work out the prompts that lead to the behaviour and remove those. BJ Fogg also says “You can disrupt a behavior you don’t want by removing…

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Installing & Cultivating Positive Habits

Habits can be really transformative forces bringing us ease with decision making and automating tasks in our daily routines. When it comes to starting out on a new habit we have all experienced the initial surge of action, the habit is dutifully attended to on a daily basis and it feels great. Then as time passes our energy dwindles. Maybe we forget for a day. A day turns into 2 and before you know it you’re back where you were, not doing the thing you really wanted installed as a good habit. Establishing good habits is an endeavour that needs…

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Overwhelmed? Try WOOP and Regain Control

WOOP stands for: WISH – wave your magic wand and wish for what you’d love to have OUTCOME – the benefits, what will achieving this dream give you OBSTACLES – what might get in the way of achieving your dream PLAN – create an action plan to overcome obstacles before they derail you Download the workbook to get full details of this strategy here >>> DOWNLOAD THE MAKE YOUR DREAMS A REALITY WORKSHEET In my Feeling Overwhelmed article you can learn more about what overwhelm is, how to deal with overwhelm, and a look at the elements of self-compassion which…

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Embracing 50: A Year of 50 Unique Challenges and 5 Key Lessons

It was my 50th birthday at the end of August and in the 12 months prior to my birthday I took on some challenges…in fact it was 50 things before I turned 50. What I want to talk about in this video is the things that I have learned about myself, things that are important points for me to keep in mind for my future and share with you my reflections on courage, stepping out of the fear zone and learning about my inner strength. These are the 5 key learnings I’m taking from my year of 50 challenges: 1…

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Positives of Menopause

Known for his work in positive psychology, Dr. Martin Seligman has explored the concept of “learned helplessness” versus a “learned optimism” approach. He has researched how a positive attitude and the development of personal strengths can contribute to enhanced well-being and potentially longer life spans. Now who doesn’t want to live longer?! But before we dive in, I’d love to hear from you – what are your thoughts on perimenopause? Your stories and insights matter too! Drop them in the comments below, and let’s take on this adventure together! Physical benefits: One of the most apparent benefits of menopause is…

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10 Compelling Reasons to Write to Your Future Self

Fast forward 14 months later, while clearing my desk, I stumbled upon that long-forgotten envelope. As I read the contents, I was taken aback by what I discovered. The majority of the goals and dreams I had envisioned had actually become a reality. The most surprising part was that I hadn’t consciously worked towards each of those goals during the year. In fact, I barely remembered what I had put in it, as I had written in a free-flowing stream of thoughts without any detailed planning. Now that I’ve shared my surprising experience with writing to my future self, let’s…

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Coaching Case Study – Sarah’s testimonial

Before Sarah started her coaching “I was drawn to Lynne’s experience of having lived the menopause. The challenge I was facing before I started working with Lynne was I often lose my train of thought during meetings when speaking.” “This often left me feeling stupid and I felt that others would think so too. Before I started coaching my life was sometimes clouded with anxieties about meetings at work.” Sarah’s goals from the coaching “I was really unsure before starting my coaching journey with Lynne, I thought coaching was not for me and couldn’t see any value in it. “ “I…

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A Triumph in the Making: 4 Weeks to 50 and 4 Challenges to Conquer

But let me tell you, it hasn’t been all smooth sailing. Some of these challenges required meticulous planning and a determined effort, but they were worth every second. Then there were those grand endeavours that demanded relentless training, strategic planning, and an unwavering resolve even to consider embarking on them. Now, with the countdown to my deadline at 4 weeks, I stand at a pivotal moment. Out of the 50 audacious things I set out to conquer, I’ve accomplished an impressive 46. I feel a great deal of pride for how much I’ve achieved over this 11 months. The taste…

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Mind, Body, Me: Prioritizing Wellbeing

I’m very grateful to my partner for letting me go on a solo break. Having time away from home without each other is something we’ve done for a few years now.  We’ve lived and worked together for 12.5 years, so having time apart is important to keep our lives healthy and in balance. I also believe that as I approach 50, midpoint in life, experiencing new things and being away on my own needs to continue being something I’m totally comfortable with. This helps build my resilience, independence and ability to cope with ‘life’ in general. My five nights in…

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50 Things Before I’m 50 Challenge: Update 2

Here’s an update the challenges I’ve done since my last post: Completed 21-41 I flew an eagle….well a few actually, and an owl, a hawk and a vulture. This was an experience of a lifetime for sure. My partner and I signed up for a VIP day at Gauntlet Falconry centre near Knutsford and literally had the place to ourselves. It was a relaxed day, meeting all the birds and flying around 8 different ones. We were given a real treat with Lula the Sea Eagle who flew to us from her post, landing on the gauntlet gracefully. Last eagle…

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