Autumn is a time of change, as nature constantly adapts and the seasons pass through transformation. As humans we often feeling like we’re spinning too many plates and are uncertain what to change for the better. So let me ask you this, what can you let go of to allow ease in times of change? ...
Do you ‘have’ confidence, or not? It is possible to be so clear cut? In my mind, having confidence, or being confident, can depend on the context or situation, who you’re surrounded by, how much trust you have in yourself, and whether or not your mind monkeys are chucking a whole l...
We all fall victim to this time stealer, we’re human and that means we’re infallible. So what is procrastination? What is the impact? And can knowing your motivation type help you overcome it? You’ll find some strategies below to defeat it, and my top tips to prevent your life slip...
What would you like to achieve in the next 80 days? As I write there are exactly 80 days left in 2022. A bit of a random number, but in terms of setting goals, working out the steps to take and achieving, it’s a decent amount of time. Let’s take a look at what you could do with small act...
Boundaries are an invisible line which we put in place to protect us in some way. Without boundaries we can be manipulated, coerced, experience time-suck, be unfocused and ultimately be living a life that isn’t genuine. Boundaries are something that separates, be that physical space, time, you...
I like this time of year. Autumn brings so much change in nature. It’s like we’re being nudged to remember there are things we can let go of, and that change can be a good thing in the long run, despite feeling hard in the moment. As I was running recently something sparked a thoug...
Today, 30th August, is a magical day. It marks my 49th birthday. Happy Birthday me!! I’m being taken out for lunch today, but I also have another milestone I’m celebrating which I wanted to share with you. And that is, I’ve been alcohol free for 500 days. Back in April 2021 I stopp...
Here’s a quick overview of the practical steps involved in the coaching process, so that you have an understanding what happens when you engage in coaching with me. You’re probably here because you are curious about the practical steps to take as you start your journey into being coached...
Coaching is for anyone who wishes to work through a particular issue, has a problem to solve, or perhaps just has a feeling that something isn’t right in your life. There are no barriers to who coaching is suitable for. Examples where coaching can help: Your decisions could be big or small, su...
Coaching is a conversation where you are learning about yourself, where you are being helped to explore and develop, and where you are stepping up courageously to take bold action, safe in the knowledge that I’ll be there to look after you. Being coached can lead to magical and positive transf...