
I remember how it feels to dread Monday morning. You’re still in the weekend, trying to relax and you’re already apprehensive at the thought of being stuck in an office or doing a job that doesn’t bring you joy for the next five days. That’s on top of facing the hideous commute on overpacked trains, tubes or buses. Days blur together, you’re on a treadmill with the same things rolling past you mindlessly. You numb out time and self-medicate by binge watching TV series’, or shopping on your lunch break for things you don’t want or really need. The vicious…

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A Listening Superhero

“We’ve got to get out of this place, it’s killing us!!!” I said to my partner one day. It wasn’t an overnight revelation. Life had been slowly draining from us and it had been happening unnoticed over months and years. When I lived in London I wish I’d had a safe space to explore who I really was inside. I didn’t come to a major crisis point before we left London, in some ways that might have made it easier to realise things weren’t right with how life was back then. Hindsight is frustrating and enlightening in equal measures. My…

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Trust is one of my core values. It feels like one of those aspects in life which is central to everything. If there isn’t trust, then there’s no foundation to build a relationship. In my world, trust is the one thing that stands behind respect and honesty. When I trust someone I know that they will show me respect and will do the things they say they will. I won’t be let down. This is how I behave, and how I wish to be treated – with respect, honesty and trust. There’s an element of feeling safe when trust is…

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3 Things I’m Letting Go

Autumn is a time of change, as nature constantly adapts and the seasons pass through transformation. As humans we often feeling like we’re spinning too many plates and are uncertain what to change for the better. So let me ask you this, what can you let go of to allow ease in times of change? Letting go gives you space for the things you really want. It allows the doors to open to new opportunities. Releasing something we’ve held onto might not be easy, or feel natural – especially beliefs that no longer serve us. But holding on tightly to…

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How to Build Confidence

Do you ‘have’ confidence, or not? It is possible to be so clear cut? In my mind, having confidence, or being confident, can depend on the context or situation, who you’re surrounded by, how much trust you have in yourself, and whether or not your mind monkeys are chucking a whole load of fear your way. There is no doubt that when you lack confidence life can be debilitating. It can stop you from doing things, prevent you going out, keep you cocooned in your safe environment and stop you visiting new places. But if you’re willing to have some…

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